Frequently Asked Questions

How can I sign in as an ASHI Member?

For ASHI Members, there is a single sign-on, meaning you will use the same login information for the ASHI website and the ASHI Edge portal. If you are already signed in on the ASHI website, you will be automatically logged in to the ASHI Edge. If you are not currently signed in, you will be taken to the ASHI website and prompted to sign in there. Once signed in, you will be directed to your Learner Dashboard, where you can begin accessing the ASHI Edge.

How do I find state-approved CE courses?

On the main navigation bar, select the “Course Catalog” tab. Under the search bar, you will see various filters to refine the course offerings. Click on the “State Approvals” filter and select your state from the drop-down. All the approved courses of the chosen state will be listed below.

Where can I find my certificates?

On the main navigation bar, select the “My Courses” tab. At the top left corner of the My Courses page, select the “Grades” tab to view your earned certificates.

Are my ASHI CE credits automatically added to my record?

No, ASHI CE credits are not automatically added to your ASHI record. ASHI members will need to fill out the ASHI Continuing Education (CE) Claim Form to receive appropriate credit for ASHI CE credits you completed. You can access this form by visiting the Members tab > My Education > CE Claim Form.

  • If you hold licensing in Florida or Illinois, you must contact after you have completed an online course on ASHI Edge. ASHI will electronically file your course credits with the respective State.

  • For all other states requiring continuing education hours, it is your responsibility to file CE credits and certificates directly to your State.

How many ASHI CE credits do I need for the year?

ASHI members are required to submit 20 CE credits annually during your renewal date. ASHI members will need to fill out the ASHI Continuing Education (CE) Claim Form to receive appropriate credit for ASHI CE credits you completed. You can access this form by visiting the Members tab > My Education > CE Claim Form.

  • You can only carry over 10 CE credits per year.

  • If this is your first year of membership, your CE credits are waived, and you will not have to turn in any until your second year of renewal.